Instructions for Presentations

Oral presentations

The scientific program consists of invited and contributed talks. Time slots are 30 minutes (25 min. + 5 min. discussion) for invited talks, and 20 minutes (15 min. + 5 min. discussion) for contributed talks. All speakers are kindly asked to keep strictly to the time allotted for their talk. A beamer with 1024 x 768 screen resolution will be used. Speakers may use the supplied computer running Windows XP, Service Pack 3 (English Version) and Powerpoint 2007, or use their own computer. In all cases the speakers are requested to test their presentation in the lecture room well in advance of the start of their session.

Poster presentations

Poster sessions will take place on Tuesday (14:00 – 15:30, session I) and Wednesday (11:00 -12:30, session II). The board size is 90 cm wide and 200 cm high. The posters can be mounted at the beginning of the day of the respective poster session and should be removed at the end of the poster session. Mounting material will be provided by the conference organization.